UR Tech

Driving forward in technology

Technology plays a large role in the lives of so many, and every day we prove that it has endless…

UR Tech: Apple event unveils new tech toys

Apple announced the year’s new iPhone on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Lucky for consumers (and Apple’s bank accounts), they went far…

UR Tech: How to pitch your startup idea

[caption id="attachment_141882" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Have you ever wanted to pitch a new technological idea that you’ve…

UR Tech: Crystal Knows

It was like reading through a performance review that a teacher or boss had written about me. My goals. My…

UR Tech: Anonymity online

[caption id="attachment_137782" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] It’s known as the “Greater Internet F***wad Theory.” Coined by Jerry Holkins…

UR Tech: Easter eggs in the Digital Age

[caption id="attachment_136442" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Spring is swiftly approaching, and so is Easter. But, Easter eggs don’t…

UR Tech: Solved Games

[caption id="attachment_134502" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] If you sit down and play a virtual game of checkers on…

UR Tech: The Grumpy Cat

[caption id="attachment_133172" align="alignleft" width="295"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Grumpy Cat is making the rounds at Comcast’s headquarters this week. Adorned…

UR Tech: The power of squee

[caption id="attachment_129522" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Google’s smart car looks a bit like a marshmallow. It’s round, puffy…

UR Tech: Biolife

[caption id="attachment_127662" align="alignleft" width="247"] Christian Cieri, Illustrator[/caption] The creature exploring the floors of the OpenWorm project might not seem world-changing.…