Rochester Life
The art of the rejection email
In the process of applying to summer programs, I was given a brisk refresher in the timeless art of the rejection email.
Rochester Life
Small World in the shadows
Small World Food, a worker-cooperative food producer, has been selling their goods at local farmers markets for years, but only recently did it open a retail location, where the small customer base has been a major boon for the emerging business.
Rochester Life
Happily ever after
According to the CDC, 2,118,000 people get married every year in the U.S., and 20 to 25 of those occur at the Interfaith Chapel here on campus. You and The One could be one of those few couples who choose to marry on campus.
Rochester Life
Germs in the Genesee
In a 2012 study released by the Environment America Research and Policy Center, the Genesee was named the thirty-second most polluted body of water in America, by amount of toxic chemicals discharged into the water.
UR diversity, beyond the numbers
There seems to be a common sentiment—the UR community needs to take a hard look at its standards for diversity and representation.
Rochester Life
UR summer can be ever better than the rest
Despite Rochester’s harsh winters, summers in Rochester are rather warm and eventful. There are lots of opportunities offered by the University, and also many fun events that happen in the Rochester city area.
Rochester Life
When Rush Rhees’ son dropped out
Presidential pedigree, anarchist leanings, and the type of intellect that breeds classroom insolence hallmarked his abbreviated stint at UR in the 1920s.
Rochester Life
Thank God it’s Photo Friday
If you follow the University on Facebook, chances are you’ve seen and possibly taken part in some of the Photo Friday excitement.
Rochester Life
The methods of the Mail Center
It’s a race—one that depends on how fast you can run through the snow, rain, and all the other unpleasantness of Rochesterian weather to pick up your package.
Rochester Life
The mysterious ‘Meliora Madams’
Legend has it that two of the statues were lost while being transferred by boat in either the Hudson or the Erie Canal.