Rochester Life

Dean discusses compliance with health guidelines

As of the interview with Burns two weeks ago, there were 357 individual reports of conduct violations. While this may seem to represent a larger number of students, Burns was quick to assure that many reports concern the same case.

Supernatural suspicion in the stacks of Rundel library

The Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County, the Rundel Library, is believed to be haunted, with alleged paranormal occurrences occurring in its halls. The Rundel Library’s stacks are where most of the activity takes place according to an article in the Democrat and Chronicle. 

Arthur Satz: Visionary of the humanities

Earlier this month, UR announced the largest-ever endowed gift for the Humanities from alum Arthur Satz ‘51. Satz, who passed away two years ago at 89 years old, left the gift through his estate.

Student organizations struggle to adapt to health guidelines

Throughout the summer, it was unclear what the fall semester would look like. The extent of in-person learning and on-campus living was unclear and dependent upon changing government health policies. As a result, policies for events and other club activities remained up in the air until closer to the start of the semester.

Ask the locals: Best restaurants in town

It’s more important now than ever to support locally owned restaurants instead of national and international chains.

Mindful University Project tackles mental health amidst pandemic

Being a college student itself is already challenging enough, but especially so in the midst of midterms season, political elections, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Having to juggle numerous responsibilities often leads to immense stress, which takes a toll on students’ mental wellbeing.

Abdul Bounds: On the front lines of the Rochester BLM movement

If you’ve seen him at protests, you’ve probably never seen his face, but you would still recognize his orange balaclava, homemade Black Lives Matter flag, and Black Panther jacket. He is almost always in black-out clothing, and his tall wiry frame often hunched to hide his height.

BlackatUR amplifies underrepresented voices

On Instagram, students across the country have made accounts sharing the experiences of students of color, especially Black students, regarding racial issues. Seeing those accounts, @BlackatUR was formed. 

The unwelcome pardon

Last month, Deborah L. Hughes, the President and CEO of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House, had planned a press conference in Rochester to commemorate the 100th anniversary of that momentous victory for women’s rights.

Collins discusses career in air and space

Collins delivered a virtual talk on Sept. 12 to the UR community about her career at NASA and the future of outer space. She was originally supposed to be the Student Programming Board’s spring speaker but due to COVID-19, the talk was moved to this fall.