
Off the field, athletes reach out to community

Since 2004, UR student-athletes have been working to improve the world through involvement in the St. Sebastian Society, a student…

The best of College Town Express

What’s purple, rectangular, and can take you to a place that has everything you’ll ever want? The College Town Express!…

Jodi Says: Coming close…

I’m just going to cut right to the chase: orgasming can be hard. Regardless of your gender, it’s likely that…

UR Tech: Hacking, easy as pi

[caption id="attachment_115412" align="alignleft" width="300"] Courtesy of Eric Chiodo[/caption] I find trying to explain my work at family reunions to be…

Foreign Focus: New Delhi, India

The world’s seventh largest country by geographic area, India is one of the fastest growing developing countries. It has remarkable…

Transition Opportunities at UR: Encouraging and motivating students with disabilites

An individual born with a mental disability is faced with many obstacles, many of which the majority cannot understand. Social…

Flu clinic strives to protect UR community

Each year, 5-20% of the American population is diagnosed with the flu. Approximately 200,000 citizens are hospitalized due to flu…

UR Tech: Text anxiety

You’ve just sent the text that will change your life. It might be to that girl you’ve had a crush…

Student groups seek to promote political participation

For many college-aged American citizens, this week’s election was the first of many opportunities to cast a ballot. Yet a…

Ask Jodi: A little respect

At my first frat party during freshmen year, I ran into an upperclassman acquaintance. I remember him saying to me,…