
Engineers Without Borders travel to Don Juan for first assessment trip

[caption id="attachment_129452" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo courtesy of UR engineers without borders[/caption] Engineers Without Borders is a worldwide collection of 14,700…

UR Tech: The power of squee

[caption id="attachment_129522" align="alignleft" width="300"] Christian Cieri – Illustrator[/caption] Google’s smart car looks a bit like a marshmallow. It’s round, puffy…

Jodi Says: Blown away with pleasure

The first step to giving a good blowjob is to desire to please your penis-possessing partner. I can’t emphasize this…

Student attends first European Student Conference

This past weekend, 80 undergraduate, business and law students from across Europe and the United States attended the European Student…

Forbes names UR assistant professor ‘30 Under 30’ in science

[caption id="attachment_127602" align="alignleft" width="199"] Photo courtesy of Elika Bergelson[/caption] In 2015, UR assistant professor Elika Bergelson earned her place on…

UR student writes book on rise of college costs

When he received his sophomore year financial aid package, Kevin Connell reacted as many UR students do, with shock and…

UR Tech: Biolife

[caption id="attachment_127662" align="alignleft" width="247"] Christian Cieri, Illustrator[/caption] The creature exploring the floors of the OpenWorm project might not seem world-changing.…

Jodi Says: The Porn Supremacy

Porn is normal. It’s efficient, it doesn’t require a partner and it’s hot. People love porn, and in this Internet…

Seeing Charlie Hebdo through the eyes of students

[caption id="attachment_127732" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo courtesy of Rebecca Goldberg[/caption] On Jan. 7, two gunmen shook the world when they marched…

Hidden Heroes: Keeping campus clean

[caption id="attachment_122492" align="alignleft" width="262"] Chelsea Campbell, Contributing Illustrator[/caption] Occupied by the daily stresses of juggling classes, homework, on- and off-campus…