criminal justice system
Formerly incarcerated poet and lawyer grapples with justice
At the end of his poetry reading, he shared a question that seems to guide his work as a lawyer and poet. “What does it mean to want to be free?”
CT Cooks: Kale power bowl
A lot of people think that a poached egg is a fancy thing that’s impossible to make — that can’t be further from the truth.
blue taro
CT Eats: Our Vietnamese cuisine attaché
Between our appetites, my indecisiveness, and Blue Taro’s seductive offerings, we were left with no choice but to turn this dinner into a hecking feast.
Fungal architecture delights in Rochester home
Its quirky architecture, artistic flair, and Disney-like charm has garnered the Mushroom House its own website and extensive media coverage.
haveli indian cuisine
CT Eats: A spicy escapade at Haveli Indian Cuisine
Every step of the way, I was impressed by Haveli Indian cuisine.
UR Snapshots Vol. 2: The First-Years
“I’ve recently received the advice not to use AP credits in all the classes that I can, and I did not follow any of it.”
CT Eats: The gluten-free, vegan conundrum
I view my dietary restrictions as more of a blessing than a curse in the sense that they are making CT Eats more inclusive than before.
Rochester Life
Exploring the Roc: Hidden gems on the Orange Line
Hello new students! Welcome to Rochester. This city will be your home for more-or-less four years, so you may want…
Teen Jobs
UR Snapshots Vol. 1: The Professors
Your professor's most memorable job? "Beyond the poison, it wasn’t a bad gig,” Prof. Memmott said.
Gay Liberation Front
From the Archives: Larry Fine and the Empty Closet
“On the last day of Passover, I met, for the first time, a person who was openly gay,” Fine wrote. “As the sun set on that Jewish holiday of freedom, I set down a ten-year burden and was set free.”