Digital Technology
Research at Rochester: Senior Shagun Bose combines STEM and art
“A person who does sculpture is as much of an engineer as someone who works with robots,” Bose said. “They’re just using different mediums.”
MERT’s not trying to get you in trouble
“People often think that we’re the drunk police or the drunk catchers,” said Director of Operations and senior Colin Murphy, “that’s really not the case.”
CT Eats
CT Eats: Run-of-the-mill Rooney’s disappoints
As much as I love brussel sprouts, this dish is priced for scallops to be the star, so I didn’t feel that I was getting my money’s worth.
civil rights
Progress at my expense: Anthony, Douglass, and me
In this city that once housed crusaders of two valiant fights, neither had fought for me.
ox and stone
CT Eats: Let’s taco about Ox and Stone
So, if you’re looking for not just a party, but an entire freaking world happening inside of your mouth, definitely take a trip to Ox and Stone.
green line
Exploring the Green Line
Hello, adventurers! In an effort to keep you engaged in the city we live in, the Campus Times has compiled a few hot spots on the UR Green Lines that you should definitely take advantage of when you need a change of scenery.
beefless burger
CT Eats: The beefless burger battle
These four burgers may have zero beef inside of them, but there’s going to be some beef between them after these results.
From the Archives: The ‘Fuji-UR-Kodak Affair,’ revisited
Larry Maushard wrote in a seething letter to the CT, “I […] would feel like an academic prostitute if I was part of the school’s current administration.”
CT Eats: Eerie deliciousness at The Spirit Room
In addition to serving up some great food, The Spirit Room has a great atmosphere and is a cool, fun place to hang out. The interior is dark, sultry, colorful, cozy, and eclectic with a lot of spooky spiritual decors.
CT Cooks: Quick and easy one-tray salmon
This one-tray salmon dinner is totally low-hassle; you just add ingredients to the tray. It also makes you feel like an adult, cooking grown-up food.