ct cooks
CT Cooks: Fun leftovers with hero rice
Hero Rice We all have great intentions with our leftovers. We let them sit in cute little containers or Ziplock…
CT Eats
CT Eats: Gargantuan flavors with Zemeta
Welcome to week two of Black-owned business reviews here at CT Eats! Last week, I enjoyed the soulful Southern splendor…
Mental Health
Mindful University Project tackles mental health amidst pandemic
Being a college student itself is already challenging enough, but especially so in the midst of midterms season, political elections, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Having to juggle numerous responsibilities often leads to immense stress, which takes a toll on students’ mental wellbeing.
black lives matter
Abdul Bounds: On the front lines of the Rochester BLM movement
If you’ve seen him at protests, you’ve probably never seen his face, but you would still recognize his orange balaclava, homemade Black Lives Matter flag, and Black Panther jacket. He is almost always in black-out clothing, and his tall wiry frame often hunched to hide his height.
American south
CT Eats: Southern comfort at the Sweet Potato Pie Place
So for the rest of the year, I will be using CT Eats to review only Black-owned businesses. Thankfully, there are so many phenomenal ones right here in Rochester, so finding places to try out has been a slice of pie so far — a slice of Gladys’ pie from the locally-famous Sweet Potato Pie Place, to be specific.
Struggles of a semester abroad
On the night of Oct. 1, I made a new friend. There was precious little that drew us to one another — not taste in music, nor hair color, or even species.
Research at Rochester: Yahn’s worldwide journey studying the brain
Scientists like Bryce Yahn have been researching and coding neural networks from Boston to Berlin to right here in Rochester.
CT Eats
CT Eats: So much poke
I started off the week by ordering from my go-to spot for healthy takeout: CoreLife Eatery. CoreLife has tons of salads and bowls that I adore; this week, let’s talk about the tuna poke bowl.
BlackatUR amplifies underrepresented voices
On Instagram, students across the country have made accounts sharing the experiences of students of color, especially Black students, regarding racial issues. Seeing those accounts, @BlackatUR was formed.
Student discusses life with autoimmune disorder in forthcoming book
When she began her first semester at UR, M.A. felt as if everything was in place. She loved her classes, made new friends, and was starting to feel at home despite having moved across the world from Lebanon to the U.S. It wasn’t until finals week that she began to feel more exhausted than normal.