CT Cooks
CT Cooks: Cloud Cakes
To give myself a little serotonin boost, I attempted to make some cheery little Cloud Cakes because they seemed simple. I was so wrong.
CT Eats
CT Eats: Rise and grind with five local coffee shops
Escaping the lull of campus can be a challenge and is considerably more difficult during the pandemic. A coffee shop could be the key to salvation, and Rochester has some great ones.
Conversations with vaccinated students
Vaccinated students can expect more protection against the virus, but UR’s policies and guidelines remain the same for vaccinated students.
UR Loved is creating warmth through UR’s dark winters
Predominantly anonymous, UR LOVED offers a more targeted and specific platform than other confessions pages at UR. Since it's inception, the follower count has skyrocketed, reflecting students' appreciation of the page's positivity.
Research at Rochester: Jerotich explores how heat works at the nanoscale
Jerotich currently works in the Pickel Lab, where she collaborates with other undergraduates and graduate students to address fundamental problems in heat transfer at the nanoscale using numerical and experimental methods. Heat transfer is the study of how thermal energy moves through systems.
From the Archives: Shirley Jackson’s mysterious time at UR
While not enough to add her to Wikipedia’s notable alum, Jackson’s time at UR was significant and depressing enough to inspire many elements of her novel, “Hangsaman.”
Undergrads’ thoughts on overloading
When a student requests an overload, they usually agree to a rigorous schedule. Almost all students have additional responsibilities, such as work, extracurriculars, and research positions.
COVID Semester in Review
COVID Semester in Review: Conduct
“Students should not be afraid […] to get help for themselves in a medical emergency,” Orton said. “We’re not trying to catch people; we’re trying to prevent it happening in the future.”
COVID Semester in Review
COVID Semester in Review: Quarantine and isolation
This year, when administrators talk about Q&I, they aren’t referring to the information desk at Evans Lam Square in Rush Rhees. They mean quarantine and isolation.
COVID Semester in Review
COVID Semester in Review: Testing
“The only way you can say that we were really missing large numbers of infections is to hypothesize that [UR] students are endowed with magical powers and 90% of them when they’re infected never develop symptoms, and that’s absurd.”