
The secret mother of Revolution Summer

Without any further context, three different paper notes with “Revolution Summer” written on them popped up. No one knew who wrote the notes, but it made those within the scene stop and think. It made people want to make changes again.

Boygenius: the women, the myth, the legend

boygenius subverts this societal obligation of female fronted groups to be seen for their gender rather than their work.

Insights into the room over with Madeline Coleman

Her first-ever solo exhibit, “in the room over,” explores the themes of non-functionality and mental health.

In the Spotlight: Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers

Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers have more than just a sick name; they have a bright future moving forward to become the Riot grrrls of this generation.

It’s snow joke: Winterfest comedy night was a success

Audience members were laughing during every set, and each comedian offered an entirely different style that kept the show interesting.

A lively, local-run night at Montage Music Hall

 The performances at Montage made for a very memorable Saturday night, with Hamwey’s long saxophone solos the true highlight of the evening.

In the Spotlight: Tiberius

Tiberius’s discography is a menagerie of masterfully crafted albums that will not hesitate to cut you to your core and make you rethink your life.

David Jin strives for perfection with “Moments I Missed”

It’s not often that you hear someone cite Kim Kardashian as their biggest inspiration for going to law school. 

Blackout in a can: a brief history of Four Loko

“Blackout in a can,” “The pregame and postgame,” and “Battery acid” are all terms that have been used in reference to potentially the most infamous drink.

‘My Messy Mind’ has a personality of its own

Her music screams for your attention, but in a natural “you know you’ll find yourself here” and not in a “LOOK AT ME” type of way.