Not Vanilla: Disney channel singers
Mathematically, it does not seem possible that every female star on Disney turns out to be a great singer.
Moses Sumney makes hazy debut with ‘Aromanticism’
Instrumentally and lyrically, the onset of "Aromanticism" feels a lot like mist. It unfurls thick and white around you, but when you stick your hand out into it, all you get is air.
Peak dad rock reached at tribute concert
Don’t get me wrong, all of the performers were wonderful musicians. Yet, I have one major complaint about the concert: The lack of dynamism that I’d expect at a rock concert.
BTS offers up global appeal on ‘Love Yourself: Her’
"Love Yourself" incorporates EDM, pop, and contemporary R&B to create present a mature, multi-genre growth that's reflected not only in the group’s music, but also their image.
Rostam exhibits potential on ‘Half Light’
Rostam’s immense talents and ability to draw from a large pool of influences leaves him vulnerable to losing sight of the importance of having foundations to his songs.
CT Recommends
CT recommends: Dua Lipa
Now 22, Dua Lipa has come out with a shimmery, sometimes sardonic, synth-pop debut album.
Swift slows down
Taylor Swift's latest single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” serves as further evidence for her lack of creativity when it comes to songwriting.
Summer of love…or not?
I'm not sure what made this summer the musical backdrop to every hot, talented woman getting broken up with, but in terms of my Spotify library, I'm definitely not complaining.
Yellowjacket Weekend
Oh Wonder talks shop
This Yellowjacket Weekend, Oh Wonder held the big musical spot amid Saturday's activities. We caught up with them in Douglass before the show.
Oh Wonder dazzles students at YJW concert
Oh Wonder walked out to the sound of the booming, staticky bass, and launched into their set, treating the audience to songs both new and old.