Archives - Becky Rosenberg
Cowboy roams the 21st cenutry in FX's 'Justified'
Two cowboys circle one another. A gun rests silently in each man's holster. The brim of each man's hat shadows…
A week in the life of a television writer
Run. The word echoed around me from all directions. It was a big bright red neon flashing sign blocking all…
Families come together in 'Parenthood' Pilot
Several times throughout the year, my family gets together for the holidays to enjoy the craziness that large family get-togethers…
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an irritating TV show
As a television addict that prides herself on watching only quality shows, I think it's time to admit that not…
Ambition of 'Caprica' fails to reel in large audience
I've never been anti-sci-fi. I was never gung ho about the space ships. I'm not a Trekki, and I don't…
"Life Unexpected" adds an edge to the CW lineup
Television has an innate nature to repeat itself. In the past five years or so, shows have sprung out of…
?Lost? premiere balances mythology and characters
BEWARE OF SPOILERS. If you haven't yet watched the season six premiere of 'Lost" (which you really should), do not…
Chuck" ends its hiatus with a return to greatness
After nearly seven months that included torment, harassment of NBC and subway sandwich eating followed by excruciating anticipation, on Sunday…
Best arts of the decade: Television
One decade ago I was 10 years old. If you had asked me what my favorite television show was, I…
"Greek" is more than just a guilty pleasure
Guilty pleasure television is as available on a daily basis as the blue handicapped buttons are accessible on the River…