Archives - Rachel Konowitch
Comprehensive UR policies website launched
The new UR policy website is a comprehensive listing of all university policies.
English professor earns high acclaim for poetry anthology
English professor Jennifer Grotz has received the prestigious Lillian Fairchild Award for her poetry anthology "The Needle."
UR Unplugged competition evolves
This year's energy reduction competition UR Unplugged was held differently than in years past.
Dining presents 2013-14 meal plan options to committee
Director of Dining Services Cam Schauf presented the three potential options for 2013-14 meal plans at a meeting of the Dining Committee on Tuesday, Oct. 30.
Professors on Obamacare panel agree on single payer health care
Three UR professors and a theologian from the Rochester community spoke at a panel elucidating Obamacare on Monday, Oct. 15.
Rochester reverend appointed to direct religious life at UR
Reverend Denise Yarbrough has been appointed Director of Religious and Spiritual Life at UR and hopes to foster greater inclusiveness among all religious groups and students.