Archives - Maya Brosnick

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.

Bader-Gregory and Lopez to lead SA

Sophomore Elijah Bader-Gregory, current SA vice president, will serve as SA president next year after beating first-year Sammy Randle III…

Campus roadways getting a fresh coat of paint

Campus roadways will be getting new paint stripes — including all double yellow, cross walks, stop lettering, and parallel parking…

Shrimp fried rice?

Shrimp fried rice: an age-old mystery. Is it fried rice containing shrimp? Or is it fried rice made by shrimp?…

Seniors — save your data before it’s too late

Graduation is looming, which means it’s time for seniors to start thinking about what to do with all the files…

Ceasefire and Divestment Resolution Passes SA

The SA Senate passed a resolution calling for the University’s Ethical Investment Advisory Committee (EIAC) to advocate for UR to…

Latin honors restructuring approved after SA push

SA endorsed a report March 4 pushing the University administration to make its Latin honors system more “equitable.”  Latin honors…

Committee for Political Engagement hosts vote-by-mail event

The Committee for Political Engagement (CPE) hosted a vote-by-mail event Feb. 7 in order to inform students of their voting…

SA passes resolution supporting New York State Student Suicide Prevention Act

Pushing for university suicide intervention policies, the SA joined 26 college governments supporting the bill to safeguard student mental health.

Jewish Voice for Peace observes Tu B’Schvat in solidarity with Palestinians

Jewish Voice for Peace held their first public event Jan. 21 to express horror at the tragedies occurring in Palestine, JVP told the CT.