Archives - Lilli Tamm

The Devil’s in the Details (of your syllabus)

Some have willingly entered into his service. I am no Faust: I was merely a fool. Lying in small print, at the bottom of the second page of his syllabus for ENGL 321

Frat boy Cupid and St. Valentine appear for Valentine’s Day

Skeptics, poets, unearthly deities battling for dominance, what would you have it: Love makes fools of us all.

The Order of the Idiot

Need a professor stuck in a shouting match stalemate about why we can’t just print more money for the full lecture so there’s less content on the exam? Done. Want office hours monopolized by someone not even taking the class so your lukewarm take on Kant’s lack of relatability can shine by comparison? We got you.

What your workshop icebreaker says about YOU

Roses & Thorns: It’s a classic for a reason, and that reason is narcissism.