Archives - Leah Buletti
Topudurti, Corrado win SA election
In an uncontested election, Topudurti and Corrado win the offices of SA president and vice president, respectively.
Intermodal Transportation Center construction to commence in Aug.
A new Amtrak station to be built on the site of the old station will improve customer amenities and handicap accessibility.
Increased monetary goals drive United Way
UR President Joel Seligman is the chair of this year's campaign, and is hoping to raise $1.5 million dollars.
Yolanda Moses awarded Frederick Douglass Medal for work on race
Yolanda Moses received the award for her work exploring the biological similarities of race.
Students raise concerns, give suggestions to College Town developers
College Town developers took student feedback on Wednesday, Jan. 23.
Two graduate students victims of on-campus armed robbery
The on-campus armed robbery Sunday, Jan. 20 prompts review of UR security protocols.
Partial bar bus hiatus remains amid alleged violations
Little student interest in fully re-instating bar buses has been seen since last February, despite alleged instances of groups violating bar bus policy.
Speaking Fellows tutoring program to supplement Writing Center
UR will launch a Speaking Fellows program next semester to supplement the existing Writing Fellows tutoring service that is offered.