Archives - Justin Trombly

Presidential hopeful Krieg resigns from SA position

“I refuse to be a part of a system that lacks professionalism,” Krieg wrote in a statement to SA peers.
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Gale flood victims can be reimbursed

Students affected by the Valentine’s Day flooding in Gale House can seek University reparation, the Campus Times has learned—a revelation that comes in the wake of the administration’s formal response on Wednesday to the incident and the student outraged it spawned.

“We’re Better Than THAT” campaign architect responds to student criticism

Provided by the Campus Times because it thoroughly addresses common criticisms of the campaign and contains a wealth of information we were unable to use for our article, yet believe is important for the student body to see
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UR tight-lipped amid torrent of criticism

While students have been vocal in their condemnation of UR’s response to last week’s Gale House flooding, the University has remained relatively silent.

Record snowfall riles UR students

A record Rochester snowfall, travel warnings from Monroe County, school closings from seven neighboring institutions—and UR did not cancel undergraduate classes Tuesday.

Berned out

Sanders isn’t perfect, and he isn’t immune to criticism—something many Sanders supporters, at least those who populate social media, either don’t understand or refuse to accept.

Seligman responds to race report

To ban Yik Yak, Seligman said at a Wednesday afternoon press conference, would be “to throw the baby out with the bathwater."

Student retracts racial slur accusation

A student has retracted claims of racial slurs being used by Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers against him at the Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) house Friday night.

New patrol unit follows kidnapping

Formed after the recent kidnapping, the new unit will focus on giving DPS a visible and accessible presence on campus.

SA senator resigns, claims hostility

Citing a climate of hostility within SA Senate, Samantha Lienert resigned from her seat on Dec. 11.