Archives - Justin Trombly

Minority student groups vote to oppose arming DPS

“I don’t feel comfortable with the University of Rochester pairing with any of the surrounding police departments,” said junior Daniel Southwell.

Joywave to perform for fall concert

Tickets go on sale at the Common Market in Wilson Commons next Monday — with a $10-rate for students.

SA senator, deputy speaker resign

Two members of the Students’ Association (SA) Senate have resigned from their positions, adding to the list of SA leaders who have left their posts in the past year.

Police scuba team searches Genesee after report of falling person

Police did not confirm whether anyone or anything had been found.

Commission makes preliminary recommendation for limited guns at Med Center

A University commission has made a preliminary recommendation to arm a handful of Public Safety officers at the Medical Center, though it will neither be considered nor publicized by UR until the fall semester.

Students launch response campaign to “We’re Better Than THAT”

“We’ve all kind of heard, ‘we’re working on it. Wait, it will get better,’ but as we show with the timeline on the site, we’ve been waiting and we felt it was time to respond,” they said.

Should Public Safety have guns?

For many vocal students, the answer is no.

Martino and Floto win SA election

The juniors’ outsider campaign raked in 647 votes, according to the unofficial results posted online that night, winning by a margin of 63 over SA veterans and fellow juniors Erinmarie Byrnes and Dan Matthews.

Candidates’ calls for transparency questioned by evidence

"If candidates are citing transparency problems, they need to look elsewhere. Not PR."
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Salen-Murali campaign ends amid Campus Times investigation

The evidence presented to the pair came from an exhaustive Campus Times investigation, spurred by an anonymous tip, which raised questions about Salen and Murali’s bid for the highest offices in SA.
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