Archives - Jesse Bernstein

Toddler detective, chapter 5

Mommy drove me over to Scarlet’s for what was nominally a “play-date,” but, in reality, a full-scale investigation that could leave some scars.

Oscar series: ‘The Big Short’ stands tall

“The Big Short,” Adam McKay’s first foray into the dramatic, tells the story of the market crash of 2007/2008.

Toddler detective, chapter 3

Drifting off, I had the strange sensation of floating. Suddenly, I found myself walking in a field. Sunflowers as far as I could see, the sky an unnaturally pale blue. Jeez, I said to myself, this is what happens when you hit the sauce too hard.

‘Hail, Ceaser’ is a solid B-plus

The Coen brothers’ latest effort tries to capture the madcap silliness of some of their earlier efforts, but without enough fully–fleshed-out characters.

Charles, toddler detective, chapter 2: A fence named picket

It’s never good to deal with guys who have tummy aches—who knows what’ll make ‘em snap?

Charles, toddler detective

I’ve half a mind to call Mommy for a stiff glass of juicey when the source of trouble stumbles into the room on pink light-up Skechers.

‘All the President’s Men’ deserves a rewatch

Though the book is far more detailed and exact, the 1976 film–starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford–expresses the paranoia of the era in all of its creeping eeriness.

With #OscarsSoWhite, we’re having the wrong debate

It’s reductive and rather unhelpful to cry foul at the exclusion of people of color if the performances don’t really warrant that reaction.

‘Yerma’, the dark tale

UR's International Theatre Program, with their talented cast and original director Gisela Cardenas' inspired staging choices, artfully tells the unsettling story of "Yerma."

It has to stop: pro-gun rhetoric is costing lives

It's a matter of national security.