Gabriel Jiang
Humor Editor
Class of 2028
Gabriel Jiang was born at a very young age. He is currently a Humor Editor for the Campus Times and part of the 2028 graduating class. He majors in Biology (as of now). Normally, that person writes for humor and only humor and only knows humor. Outside of Campus Times, Gabriel somewhat regularly dabbles in clarinet-ing and origami-ing. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
kitchen utensil
The grate-ness of graters
Also, the variety of things that can be grated are out of this world. Ranging from vegetables to cheeses, all things can be improved by this humble kitchen tool.
Baby presses charges against mother for being born
the birth was so unsatisfactory that the plaintiff received auditory and visual trauma from the disgust and harassment from the doctors, as well as sustained neglect from the mother subsequent to their birth.
life changing
Life-changing scam emails
Navigating the world of scam emails can be complex, but once you learn the ropes on how to maximize the dopamine rushes from these emails, your life will be changed forever.
employment tips
How to Job: Full comprehensive tips
The employment world has become like a game that’s time-gated, but instead of time, it’s work experience and instead of being fun, it fills you with dread and hopelessness
They’re Watching
It’s time for us to make a move against the government and their bug-bird army.
anti-tank system
Quick lesson on claiming tables
The process of claiming a seat during meal time rush hours can be quite the hassle. If done incorrectly, it can result in you not having a place to sit or even worse — death.
Bugging Us
Some bugging news
It’s that time of the year again! We know them. We love them. Bugs! They’re everywhere: hair, food, bed, you name it. They’re so everywhere that it’s gone from a pressing issue to a world crisis.
Campus Times
Campus Times: UR Lifeline
Now, I’m spreading the gospel of Campus Times. The rejuvenating, invigorating properties of CT of which we all crave.