Archives - Emmely Eli Texcucano

From campus to craftsmanship: weaving chains and community in Rochester’s art scene

“I'm walking the fine line of learning to not capitalize off of something I enjoy to the point where I don't enjoy it anymore,” Cohen said. “I want this to remain something I love.”

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.

Sports! A layman’s perspective

7:19: They warm up? Music was cut, and now they're just playing. The puck is very small, and I cannot see anything.

Brooks Crossing Apartments Barbershop: CutzbyOzzy

Walking into the ‘barbershop,’ you’ll be greeted by Garcia with an apron on and clippers in hand, a barber chair, a full professional clipping set, and customers chatting with Ozzy’s latest DJ set in the background. 

Concerns arise about Safe Sex Express, anonymity of delivery

With the removal of over 2,000 Campus Mail Center (CMC) mailboxes, the Safe Sex Express Order service — which is…

From the Archives: inside CT’s “Classified” section

Throughout the 70s, you can see hints of the larger impact the “Classified” section would have had in the University community.

SDS protests field student support, concerns about administration

Last week, as the University ran its annual housing lottery for the upcoming year, SDS continued their protest on housing…

Monroe County Climate Plan highlights lack of University sustainability

Deputy Director of Monroe County’s Department of Environmental Services Clement Chung gave an overview of the county's Climate Action Plan.

URMSD Spectrum hosts drag benefit show

Performers interacted with the students running off the flimsy stage avoiding near-death with heels catching on the stairs of the stage.

Less intensive AME major proposal

This major would include about 56 credit hours — less than half of the 130 credit hours required for the program for a B.S. in Audio and Music Engineering.