Archives - Lumi Schildkraut

Roberts talks overcoming adversity through optimism

She referenced her parents as playing a critical role in instilling positivity in her from a young age.

Students, staff attend healing vigil for marginalized students

During the event, students from minority groups, the LGBT community, and victims of sexual assault spoke about their experiences and healing.

BCS committee worked on behavior guidelines amid Jaeger rumors

The University did not adopt the guidelines, but the suggestions ultimately influenced some changes in the faculty handbook in May.

SA plows ahead after constitutional flub

The former decision would have resulted in SA needing to vote again on all motions made this semester.

In constitutional flub, SA Senate erases everything it’s done this semester

Nothing SA Senate has done this semester has counted. That was the announcement All-Campus Judicial Council Chief Justice Madeline Blackburn…

Faculty fear the Jaeger Effect

Many professors are worried prospective students and faculty will be put off by UR’s handling of the claims against their colleague T. Florian Jaeger.

After nearly six days, Wrobel off hunger strike

After nearly six days, senior Lindsay Wrobel has ended her hunger strike. Wrobel broke her strike after Public Safety Chief…

Night King repairs weather machine

“It seemed perfect,” Seligman said. “This guy has winter trademarked, so if anyone could fix Rochester’s weather, it’s the Night King."

ResLife allows mixed-gender housing requests

The change is a broad expansion of the former Residential Life policy that gave transgender students the opportunity to receive alternate housing based on their gender identity.

Senate Summary: 9/4/17

Senator Jamal Holtz, a sophomore, defended his absence from an SA training session Monday.