Archives - Alyssa Koh

My purple phase

Dye fades, but you persist. 

Top 10 quarantine phases, ranked

However, one incredibly prominent experience is reverting back to phases that we all experienced in the most formative years of our lives, such as in middle school. Thus, here, for your viewing pleasure, are 10 of the mid-quarantine phases, ranked and psychoanalyzed by yours truly.

Sick song recommendations to supplement your finals study sesh

To help you through the upcoming trials and tribulations , I have compiled some playlist ideas, separated by field of study.

Study buddy cat-tastrophe

If you want to use this as a reference for studying with your own pets, go ahead, but keep in mind that your experience may be very different from mine.

Love, loss, and listings on UR Student

If you are one of the many people having issues with scheduling, here is a list of tips and tricks for you to try.

A closer look at the freshman BME major

The Hajim class operates primarily within the engineering quad and under piles of depression laundry in each organism’s respective dorm habitat.

Manglesdorf launches campaign to end October

From the Humor Section: More major calendar-focused upheaval, such as changing November to Hendecavember and December to Dodecember will not be addressed during this survey period.