Senator John Kerry

John KerryDemocratic Party

Abortion – We will only nominate individuals to the federal bench whose records demonstrate a respect for the full range of constitutional rights, including the right to privacy and the right to choose.Education – We have a vision for American education: every child should be held to high standards, and every school should have the resources and the responsibility to meet those standards. Every classroom should have a great teacher. Every young person should graduate from high school, and every young person who works hard and wants to go to college should be able to afford it. And all Americans should be able to get the skills they need to succeed throughout their lives.Health Care – We will plan to lower family premiums by up to $1,000 a year, cut waste from the system, lower the cost of prescription drugs to provide real relief to seniors, and use targeted tax cuts to extend affordable, high-quality coverage to 95 percent of Americans, including every child. We believe that everyone’s health is equally important. We will provide all Americans with access to the same coverage that members of Congress give themselves.National Debt – We will cut the deficit in half during the first four years in office. We will end corporate welfare as we know it, roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, and impose a real cap to keep spending in check.War on Terrorism – We believe in a better, stronger America – an America that is respected, not just feared. An America that listens and leads – that cherishes freedom, safeguards our people, uplifts others, forges alliances, and deserves respect.Environment – We will set a new standard of environmental excellence for America. We will honor our national treasures and pay tribute to our natural wonders, while renewing our nation’s promise of clean air, clean water and a bountiful landscape for all. We recognize that we owe it to our families, our communities, and our planet to defend our environmental values and protect our environmental rights.

President George Bush

George BushRepublican Party

Abortion – Every child born and unborn ought to be protected.Education – We believe that education is the key to opportunity and America’s best tool in an increasingly competitive global economy. This means that every child deserves a world-class education and every worker deserves the support of a Government that makes a lifetime of learning a top priority.We want to take the next step to ensure that all high school students are better prepared to enter higher education or the workforce.Health Care – We believe all Americans should have access to affordable, quality health care. We will work to address the root causes of rising health care costs, rather than shifting the costs to taxpayers or forcing Americans into an inflexible, one-size-fits-all bureaucratic system. National Debt – We will cut deficits in half in five and a half years.War on Terrorism – We must work to change the conditions of hopelessness and resentment that provide fertile ground for terrorist recruitment. Above all, this requires bringing freedom to people for whom it has been too long denied, for free people do not support terror.Environment – Over the last four years, the air has become cleaner, our water more pure, and we have reversed the net loss of wetlands. In addition, our parks are better managed, better funded, and better protected. We have launched a series of climate change initiatives to improve scientific understanding and reduce emissions through the use of new, energy-efficient technologies. We propose several clean air initiatives that will dramatically improve air quality and public health. We will continue improving our environment:

Behind the scenes of dorm-made kombucha, Komboochie

Since last winter, Humphrey has been making, selling, and distributing her very own dorm–made kombucha.

Leslie Odom Jr.’s wonderful performance

Dressed in a sharp all black outfit, Leslie Odom Jr. performed under Eastman’s glistening chandelier on Friday evening.

Descriptions on how Julie is indescribable

If one were to try and put the sentiments of this album into words, they might be fervor, disappointment, or longing.