In regards to your article “Twelve freshmen relocated,” I thought I would share with you a notice that one of my friends recently received from the Dean of Students Office:

Freshman #85904:

The UR Supreme Guardian Council has decided that you possess questionable values and unsanctioned beliefs that constitute an immoral influence on the Sue B. community. Therefore, you have 3 hours to vacate your home and move your belongings to the Gilbert Housing Unit. Those failing to comply with the wishes of the Supreme Guardian Council will be subject to 10 lashes in Dandelion Square. All praise Azariah Boody!

But seriously folks, I would like to congratulate the College Administration for finally coming out just saying that at UR, students have no rights.

-Aaron 274-2914

P.S. I live in Chambers and have lots of booze and loose women in my room all the time. I can be ready to relocate within a few hours – should I start packing up my things?

MAG plans to hold college night to increase student engagement

Smith has been working with the MAG since the summer to plan an event for college students throughout the Rochester area to visit the museum and participate in activities curated for students to enjoy.

Behind the scenes of dorm-made kombucha, Komboochie

Since last winter, Humphrey has been making, selling, and distributing her very own dorm–made kombucha.

Delving into the minds mixing Mr. Brightside and Taylor Swift

When it comes to music choice, Lee makes an effort to include modern, electronic, and requested genres in addition to the "10 songs on everybody's frat rotation."