My roommate doesn’t seem to know the definition of modesty, or rather her boyfriend doesn’t. I don’t mind at all that he stays over, since we live in a suite, but it is a little disgusting when he walks to the bathroom with nothing on. I am tired of waking up to coffee and an exposed weenie. Please help!~Indecent Exposure in SlaterDear Indecent Exposure,Calm yourself, there are ways to deal with his nudist colony habits. Simply set some boundaries, which is difficult to do when living with his lover, but nonetheless necessary. It is okay to ask him to put some boxers on, or even some pajamas. Try a casual approach in the morning the next time you run into him and his – as you called it – weenie. A firm, statement of “It makes me feel uncomfortable, so could you please put something on” is a good idea. If he doesn’t seem to respond, remind him that it is your suite. It’s okay to pull rank with him – it is your suite. While he may be dating someone in the suite, it does not give him the right to make you feel that uncomfortable. You have every right to ask for some extra coverage.You may not want to speak with him directly, so try your roommate. After all, his nature walks are her fault indirectly. Just politely tell her that you are not enjoying them and would appreciate a less startling wake-up call. If she knows anything about being a good roommate, and indeed a friend, she will respect your wishes to cover up her boyfriend’s little bit of man. If she seems unwilling to speak to him or shrugs off the problem, remind her that you would do the same for her. If all else fails you can always plead help from your other roommates. I doubt they enjoy his public offenses either. Try a house meeting. It sounds silly to have an intervention over a little exposure, but it also sets a good precedent. If you have any other suite troubles everyone then can feel comfortable to discuss what may be on their mind, even if it is a little naked morning walk. The key is standing your ground, calmly but firmly. After all, this is where you live. You have every right to ask for reasonable demands to make it comfortable. Surely a little less pornographic material in the a.m. is a reasonable demand. No worries, Indecent Exposure, with a calm approach you will more than win the battle for cover.Got a love and relationship question that’s literally, ummm … burning? Ask our current Love Goddess, Robin Tanner, at

Colin’s Review Rundown: Future and Metro Boomin, Lizzy McAlpine, Benson Boone, Civerous

Is it bad? Definitely not! But I found myself continually checking my phone to see how many tracks were left.

UR Softball continues dominance with sweeps of Alfred University and Ithaca College

The Yellowjackets swept Alfred University on the road Thursday, winning both games by a score of 5–4.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.