My aunt once gave me some advice. She said that if I am going to be wild and promiscuous at any time in my life, it should be during my college years.

Since I am graduating, should I partake in some random nookie in these last few days at UR?

What do you think? ? On the Home Stretch in Hill Court

There are always risks to promiscuity … STDs, broken hearts, unwanted claw marks ? the usual. But, don’t let this deter you. Just remember to be careful when having “fun.”

Protect yourself physically and emotionally to the best of your ability, even if you are slightly intoxicated.

Also, make sure that your partner is willing. I see no problem with two consenting adults deciding to satisfy some sexual desires.

College is definitely a great time in your life to go crazy. It is probably one of the safer places to do this in that there is extra accountability when it comes to partners.

Once you have graduated, you are open to many more sketchy people. You might not want to go home with someone you randomly meet at a bar who may or may not be an axe murderer. ? Joan

How do you hook up after college? Actually, how do you meet people in general? ? Anticipating in Anderson

Making friends with your future coworkers should be a goal. Perhaps one of them will turn out to be a total studmuffin or babe.

Don’t be afraid to be assertive and outgoing like you were when you first came to college. Generously give out your name and flirt excessively like you did those first few months in the elevators of Sue B. Who knows?

Maybe the guy in the next cubicle will be sending you instant messages saying you look hot in your new Anne Taylor power suit.

Introduce yourself to people, not only in the office, but also in your neighborhood or apartment building.

Be friendly.

Go out jogging or walking when people are outside, and stop and say hi. Mention you like the new paint job on the Camaro.

Lastly, go out to clubs and bars like you used to. Not only college students hang out at happening joints.

Remember there are other young adults out looking to enjoy themselves and meet people just like you. Just be cautious with people whom you hardly know. You are in the big world now. ? Joan

If you have any love and relationship questions, they can be sent to the love goddess herself, Joan Knihnicki ? even after your graduation. She can be reached at

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