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1. Between April 13 at noon and April 15 at 2 p.m., a student reported that her diamond necklace was stolen from a locker room in Fauver Stadium.

She told officers that she  had left the necklace on top of her locker, but when she returned two days later it was gone. The student said that the necklace was worth several thousand dollars.

According to Lafferty, she later filed a police report.

Stolen bag and contents later found

2. On April 19, at 2:30 p.m., a student at the Eastman School of Music reported that her bag, containing sheet music and an iPhone, was taken from a practice room.

The student later learned from a friend that her iPhone had been found near the Liberty Pole. It was then returned.

According to Lafferty, her bag was later found on Stillson Street by a police officer who then returned the bag and sheet music to the student.

Wallet stolen during Eastman student’s performance

3. On April 18, a student at the Eastman School of Music reported that her wallet was stolen between 5:30 and 10:24 p.m., during a performance in Kilbourn Hall.

She told officers that after the show when she went to retrieve her wallet — which contained her credit card, keys, ID, and some cash — it was gone.

She reported seeing a staff member exiting the room where her things were stored, but he was not identified.

According to Lafferty, no police report was filed.

Too many requests for cigarettes

4. On April 17, between noon and 3 p.m., a staff member at Brooks Landing was approached by a man who asked for money or a cigarette, UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty said.

When she responded that she had neither, the man asked her to get a cigarette from her office.  The woman refused.

She said that she had been approached by the same man on more than one occasion.

Security officers responded, but could not locate the man.

Remus is a member of the class of 2016.

Information provided by UR Security.

Campus Times: UR Lifeline

Before Campus Times, my life was a dead end.

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