My friend is cheating on her boyfriend. She always tells me about her escapades with random guys. She even makes out with several of them in broad daylight. She knows what she is doing is wrong, but she refuses to ‘fess up. I’m not friends with her boyfriend and it’s probably not my place to interfere, but I’d want someone to tell me if I were him. What should I do? -Uncertain in Fairchild

One thing is for sure. It’s not your place to confront the boyfriend. You’d come off looking meddlesome, and you’d probably sever all ties with your friend.

Chances are, he’ll find out sooner or later when he catches that whiff of Aqua D’Gio on her or just happens to be walking outside one day. Then she’ll have to do some explaining.

And research can back me up that it won’t be a pretty sight. A study done by Buss, Shackelford and Bennet showed that men find it more difficult to forgive sexual infidelity than emotional infidelity. It sounds like your friend is investing some bootie rather than emotions if she is able to jump from guy to guy, making the chances of mild consequences slim.

In the meantime, don’t give up trying to talk some sense into her. Do everything to convince your friend to come clean. Ask her if she really wants to be in the relationship.

If that still does not work, you have two more options. Before using either of these you must meet one of these criteria. 1 — You get to the point where you want to gouge your eyes out from the pity you feel for the boyfriend. 2 — Your friend does something mean to you and you want to get her back.

Option A: Get out the digital camera, hide behind a bush and go at it. Save IM conversations and print them out. Compile all of this hard evidence into a manila envelope, label it with his CPU box number and drop it into the intercampus mail.

Option B: Tell his best friend. –Joan

Got a love or relationship question that’s literally … umm … burning? Ask the Love Goddess herself, Joan Knihnicki, at

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