UR Security was notified on Tuesday of a possible scam involving postal money orders sent to a student, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The graduate student had posted a roommate wanted ad on the UR web page, and received a response from a person who claimed that she was in England but was coming to UR and was interested in the room.

After this communication, the graduate student received hundreds of dollars in postal money orders as payment for the room.

Accompanying the money orders was a note asking the student to cash the money orders and send a sizeable amount of the money back to England to defray travel costs.

The person indicated that they would use the money to help travel to the United States.

The graduate student contacted UR Security, who then contacted the US Post Office.

Postal inspectors indicated that his is one of numerous recently reported mail scam attempts.

Information was received about a similar scam attempted against a staff member at the Eastman School of Music, but no further details were available about that case, according to Lafferty.

UR Security advises any student who receives postal money orders like these to not attempt to negotiate the money orders and to contact UR Security.

Money orders can be purchased legitimately at the post office in Todd Union, in addition to any other US Post Office. Students should report any problems to UR Security.Suspect enters Anderson suite Two students living in Anderson Tower reported that an unidentified suspect entered their room between 3:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, according to Lafferty.

The students report that they were asleep at the time.

The suspect stole the students’ room keys, ID cards and wallets. The wallets contained cash, credit cards and other personal documents, according to Lafferty.

The students also report that they had left their suite and room doors unlocked for the night.

The students will file a police report through the 311 service, according to Lafferty.Student experiences dizzinessUR Security officers and members of the Medical Emergency Response Team entered a student’s room in response to a medical emergency in Anderson Tower on Sunday at 1:30 p.m., according to Lafferty.

The student had called for help after experiencing dizziness and an accelerated heart rate in their room.

The student was transported by ambulance to the Strong Memorial Hospital Emergency Department and was evaluated and treated there, according to Lafferty.Information provided by UR Security.

Majarian can be reached at mmajarian@campustimes.org.

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