Christina MichaelClass: 2006Sport: Cross CountryMAJOR: BiologyWhere CHRISTINA went to high school: Clayton A. Bouton High SchoolWhat is CHRISTINA’s ideal day off: A day at the beach.Favorite athletic memory: Winning the CYO Basketball Diocesen Championships.Favorite sport other than VOLLEYBALL: SoccerFAVORite BOOK: “It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life” by Lance ArmstrongFavorite foods: Thaifavorite movie: “As Good As It Gets” Plans after college: Medical school or graduate school.expectations for the season: Improve my times for Regionals.Why CHristina is the athlete of the Week: Christina finished first in her division at the University of Delaware Cross Country Invitational. She clocked in at a time of 20:03 for the five-kilometer course, second overall among many other Division-I runners and was named the Runner of the Week by the New York State Women’s Collegiate Athletic Association.

Matt Bielecki Class: 2008Sport: FootballMAJOR: UndecidedWhere Matt went to high school: Burn Hills, Ballston Lake, N.Y.What is MATT’s ideal day off: Golfing and hanging out with friends.Favorite athletic memory: When I stripped a kid who was about to score a touchdown in a high-school fottball game. The strip ended up being the game-winning play.Favorite sport other than Football: GolfFavorite food: Steakfavorite movie: “Boondock Saints”Plans after college: Not really sure yet.expectations for the season: To keep on winning.Why Matt is the athlete of the Week: Matt had 10 rushes for 88 yards and four touchdowns in the Yellowjacket’s 31-6 shellacking of Gettysburg College.

Extremely funny and relatable humor article

This was The Funniest Article. Ever. and I was just so impressed by my own writing that I couldn’t help but to share it with everyone.

The grate-ness of graters

Also, the variety of things that can be grated are out of this world. Ranging from vegetables to cheeses, all things can be improved by this humble kitchen tool.

Washing machine woes: Tide Pods

There have been numerous reports of hardened and shriveled blue gel-plastic on clothes of all shapes and sizes, an ominous sign of a Tide Pod gone horribly wrong.