
I’d like to suggest a site for your consideration to be added to the links section of your site:

The Rochester Wiki is a not-for-profit collaborative guide to the area. The content stems entirely from people taking a moment to share what they love (or loathe) about our city. From modest beginnings, we’ve now grown to over 1,000 user contributed pages, forming a fairly unique and interesting guide to the city.

Thanks for your consideration,

Robert Polyn

Dinner for Peace was an unconventional way of protesting for Palestine

The dinner showcased aspects of Palestinian culture. It was a unique way of protesting against the genocide, against the Israeli occupation, against the university’s involvement with the genocide.

Gaza solidarity encampment: Live updates

The Campus Times is live tracking the Gaza solidarity encampment on Wilson Quad and the administrative response to it. Read our updates here.

Time unfortunately still a circle

Ever since the invention of the wheel, humanity’s been blessed with one terrible curse: the realization that all things are, in fact, cyclical.