With only 20-something days until the end of the semester I’m beginning to make my summer concert plans. Being a music and concert junkie I’m looking forward to those few short months when I’ll have more free time to spend at concerts without classwork or, unfortunately, an internship getting in the way.

To drown my unemployment sorrows I plan on spending an unhealthy amount of time at various northeastern venues. Now, for me to completely forget that my life is going nowhere, I must enjoy these concerts to the fullest extent. But inevitably there will be those people who have no concept of concert etiquette and will ruin my time. In order to avoid being one of those people who destroys my summer, I’ve made a list of a couple things to keep in mind when attending a concert.

First, don’t just stand there, do something! This is especially important for those of you on the floor. Being the closest people to the stage, you’re who the band sees and takes their feedback from. Standing like a statue doesn’t exactly convey that you’re having a good time, so at least nod your head or clap your hands or do something to show that you’re not in a coma. Unless the band sucks there’s no reason to be standing around. If you’re tired, take a seat because you’re blocking my view.

Sometimes people get a little crazy with their outward expressions of enthusiasm, but since I’d rather see that than no movement at all I won’t complain. However, if you find that in your excitement you clotheslined the kid next to you, be a good person and help him up.

While in my opinion floor “seats” are much better than actual seats, mosh and circle pits aren’t really the safest places, especially if you’re not paying attention. If you or someone else is injured, do your best to get security’s or the band’s attention so they can get medical help. Leaving some helpless person on the floor to fend for themselves makes you a bad person, especially if you put them there. End of story.

Now let me get to my pet peeve – crowd surfing. There’s nothing wrong with it in principal, but I believe it should be done in moderation. I’ve learned that at least one person per concert is going to fall on my head and I accept that. However, when I’m paying more attention to repeatedly launching you onto some other unsuspecting person’s head than I am to the band, I have to draw the line. I came here for a concert not a neck injury, so consider this fair warning – if I see you too many times I have no problem punching you in the back or letting you drop. Your choice.

So please keep these thoughts in mind the next time you head to a concert. Live music should be an enjoyable experience for everyone, so feel free to express yourself just as long as you don’t hurt anyone. And if you do end up decking someone, help them up. Or you could ignore everything I’ve said because you’ll have a job this summer and won’t have time to waste at concerts.

Swain can be reached at eswain@campustimes.org.

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