Student robbed for cash in Hoyt Auditorium bathroom

At approximately 8:45 p.m. on Friday, UR Security officers responded to a call from an undergraduate student who reported that he was robbed in a bathroom.

According to UR Security Investigator Daniel Lafferty, the victim entered the bathroom and the suspect was at the sink washing his hands. While the victim was using the urinal, the suspect approached the victim from behind, put his finger on the victim’s head behind the victim’s ear and demanded the victim’s money about $20 to $30.The victim said the suspect took his cash, returned the wallet to him and then fled the scene.

According to Director of UR Security Walter Mauldin, the victim was not in attendance at the movie that was being shown upstairs in Hoyt Auditorium.

The victim was uninjured and returned to his room to call Security. The immediate and surrounding areas were checked for the suspect but he was not located. A police report has been filed.

Suspect arrested twice outside Hill Court

A 60-year-old, white-haired man, who has been recognized around Hill Court in the past, was arrested and charged yesterday morning with trespassing as he attempted to steal a bicycle.

According to Mauldin, the suspect was arrested on Tuesday for a similar incident but was released later in the afternoon. This time, however, the suspect remains in custody.

Snoozer kicked out of Gleason Library

Security officers responded to a call from a concerned UR staff member in Gleason Library shortly before 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 4, because an unknown individual was sleeping there and had been using the computers for the past two weeks.

According to Lafferty, officers identified the individual and determined he had no affiliation with the University.

The man admitted to being in the library and told Security he was aware that it was private property. He was advised not to return and he departed the library.

Hungry undergrads decline to swipe

In two separate instances, on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 3:25 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 9, at 12:05 a.m., students were caught taking food without rendering payment at the Pit in Wilson Commons.

According to Lafferty, in both instances, the undergraduate students were apprehended by staff and were forced to pay for the items that they took.
All of the students were warned and both cases were referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for further review and potential action.

Eastman student abandons practice room, loses iPod

A student at the Eastman School of Music reported that he left a practice room unlocked between 4:30 and 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6 and returned to find his iPod missing.

According to Lafferty, the student went to visit a friend down the hall, intending only to stay for a few minutes. He returned half an hour later and discovered the theft.

Willis is a member of the class of 2011.
Information provided by UR Security.

Descriptions on how Julie is indescribable

If one were to try and put the sentiments of this album into words, they might be fervor, disappointment, or longing. 

UR football wins Meliora Weekend shootout versus UNE

The Yellowjackets defeated University of New England (UNE) Nor’Easterners by a score of 42-21 during Saturday’s Meliora Weekend festivities.

“143” review: Katy Perry needs a wellness check

I wish I could say I respect Perry for trying, but her total lack of respect for music, her fans, and herself makes it impossible for me to do so.