We hear often of the apathy which exists on UR’s campus and how little UR students are involved and enthusiastic toward various activities. Instead of alleviating this problem, however, students seem to be complacent with a static condition of sedentary criticism instead of taking action toward removing this negative connotation.
The newspaper, as has been stated in the past, is a public forum for student expression, and contrary to popular belief, is open for any student’s words, provided they are appropriate and print-worthy.
You do not have to be on the editorial staff or have any previous journalism experience — if you feel strongly about a subject, our campus newspaper can be a resource to make your single voice stronger, reaching out to the entire community.
As drawn out as this point is, free speech is a right we are endowed with, and as a member of an academic environment, I know there are students brimming with ideas for changes and improvements to every facet of college life at UR. If you are from an underrepresented group, an unknown club or have an unrecognized idea, the Campus Times can be your access to that recognition you seek.
Having a piece printed in the newspaper can build a rapport between students, bringing knowledge of your activity or an outlet for the reporting of controversy. It is not a difficult undertaking and it is a way to be involved in the newspaper — a powerful tool of communication within your reach.
For once, after telling your friend about something you feel passionate about, write it down and bring it to the newspaper office.
Do not fall into the misconception that an individual’s voice is lost in the crowd. The CT will allow your ideas to resonate with your fellow students.
The influence of one person –one article — can impact a significant population. Students may have busy schedules and lives to lead, but remember the importance of sharing ideas. Individual initiative is often the spark for change.
The newspaper is a link from students to administrators and from students to the campus at large. Utilize this link and express opinions about issues you feel need to be addressed.
If we do not have student input, the foundation of the newspaper’s existence, the representation of student ideas, quickly becomes unhinged and ineffective.
We should do whatever is possible in order to avoid this — student publications are a medium given a significant amount of autonomy at UR. One student’s input could dictate a whole future of changed behavior.
Others want to hear what you have to say — the CT wants to hear what you have to say. Take a minute, contact an editor and make yourself heard.