An unknown suspect offered a Valentine Tower resident a truck, as well as its title, $500 cash and the man’s driver’s license in exchange for her car Friday, Security Investigator Dan Lafferty said. “The student told the suspect she did not have a car and walked inside the building immediately calling security,” he said.

The man originally had asked her for directions to Corning, NY. When approached by UR Security, the man provided “inadequate identification” prompting a call to Rochester police. The suspect then fled the scene, jumped the curb, and drove off, security reports.

Security officers trailed the vehicle awaiting the arrival of police. “As the suspect started getting on the expressway, surveillance was discontinued,” Lafferty said. When the police arrived, they alerted that the vehicle had been reported stolen in Wayne County.

The student was uninjured.

Trees damaged by fraternity

A student in the Theta Chi house admitted responsibility for damage to nearby trees, security reports. The damage totaled about $150.

A member of nearby Delta Upsilon reported seeing a man make repeated trips from the vicinity of Theta Chi with tree branches. The branches were left at the front entrance of DU.

Security reports that there had been damage to trees in the area. The suspect claimed responsibility and was “advised against further such activity,” Lafferty said. The matter was relayed to the dean of students office.

Car stolen from South Lot over weekend

A University Park resident reports that his car was stolen from South Lot Friday or Saturday.

The 1997 Nissan Maxima was valued at $12,000, security reports. The victim filed a report with Rochester Police Department.

Electronics stolen from Psi Upsilon

A laptop computer, X-Box gaming system and four computer games were reported stolen from an unsecured room in the Psi Upsilon fraternity house Monday. Security says the equipment is valued at about $3000.

There was no evidence of forced entry into the building. The owner filed a police report.

Attempted barricade larceny thwarted

UR Security stopped two undergraduates carrying a construction barricade sign, security said.

The students were caught carrying the sign through Todd Union Lot around midnight Oct. 10.

The students returned the sign to the Eastman Quad where it had originally stood.

The students “were warned and advised against further such activity,” Lafferty said.

Information provided by UR Security.Bobkoff can be reached at

A timely love letter to February

Although you happen to be the shortest month of the year, it feels like forever since you first arrived. Before we return to the monotony of 30 or 31-day months again, I just wanted to write this just to thank you for your visit and reminisce about some wonderful memories.

UHS introduces new cancellation and no-show policy

UHS recently introduced a $25 “no-show” fee for students that didn't cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours in advance of their appointments.

Plutzik reading series returns hosting Gabriel Bump

Reading from his forthcoming novel, Bump gave voice to a man pondering his upbringing and parental figures.