It?s time again to salsa with SALSA in their annual Tropicana celebration. Tropic-ana 2001 is the culmination of a week of activities celebrating Spanish and Latino cultures, sponsored by the Spanish and Latino Students? Association.

Tropicana is a UR tradition that has been going on for the past 14 years. To help you get in the groove of Latin flavor dancing, there will be Salsa and Merengue dance lessons today at 8 p.m. in the Hirst Lounge of Wilson Commons.

Friday night will be the main event with the Tropicana 2001 dinner and dance.

?We give students an opportunity to learn about different Latino cultures, as well as new foods, music and dances,? said soph-omore and vice president Katty Estevez.

The dinner will be Friday at 7 p.m. in the Hirst Lounge of Wilson Commons and will consist of traditional Hispanic foods such as rice and beans, roasted pork, roasted chicken, greens and potato salad. It is being catered by Riveria?s Market, an authentic Latino restaurant, who catered last year?s dinner as well.

There will also be a live mariachi perfor-mance during the dinner.

The dance will follow at 10 p.m. in the Douglass Dining Center. There will be a live performance by the Merengue band ?La Banda Loca,? and the dance will be opened by a local R&B group called ?Carpe Dm.?

Student tickets are $10 for dinner, $15 for dinner and dance. Tickets for the general public are $12 for dance, $20 for dinner and dance. Dinner tickets must be purchased in advance at the Common Market in Wilson Commons. Dance tickets are available only at the door.

For more information contact the SALSA office at x59374.

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