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A comprehensive website of all UR policies is now accessible from UR networks. Content is categorized by academic and administrative unit as well as alphabetically. The site went live on Jan. 25.

“There was a clear need to organize our policies so that they were easier to access,” Vice President and General Counsel Gail Norris said. “There were many times that personnel at the University went to look for one policy or another and had a difficult time tracking it down.”

Easy access to these policies is particularly important for University staff.

“The site was primarily geared towards employees because most of our policies apply to them,” Norris continued. “We also made an effort to include student-applicable policies as well.”

To develop the website, the most updated versions of the policies in effect were compiled.The process took nearly two years.
“No one had ever taken up a project like this,” Norris said. “For us to gather policies from all the different schools and departments and to check back with departments to make sure that they were the most up-to- date was a lengthy process. No one was doing it full time, so it simply took a lot of time.”

Since the website went live, faculty have responded positively, emphasizing he ease of accessing policies like health care privacy.

Although most policies oapply to staff, a number of student-focused policies — such as academic honesty and information technology — are also on the website.

The Student Code of Conduct is not listed, an oversight that Norris said she will address.

No reason was given explainnig why the the site does not use the new university web template.

The website can be accessed at

Konowitch is a member of the class of 2015.

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