On Feb. 4 between 8:45 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., an unidentified suspect stole a set of skis belonging to an undergraduate, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The skis were stolen from the female restroom on the first floor of Wilson Commons, according to UR Security.

While speaking to an officer to file the report, the student saw a person walking by with her skis. This suspect was identified as another UR student, according to UR Security.

In defense, the student stated that he knew the skis were stolen, but since he did not take them, he couldn’t get into any trouble, according to Lafferty.

The skis are valued at an estimated $1,000 and have been returned to the victim, according to UR Security.

The suspect carrying the skis refused to identify who actually stole the skis, but contended it was not him, according to Lafferty.

No police report was filed, according to UR Security.

The matter has been referred to the Dean of Students Office for further review, according to Lafferty.

Intoxicated students taken to Strong

Officers responded to three separate incidents involving intoxicated underage students on Feb. 4, according to Lafferty.

Two of the incidents occurred outside Rush Rhees Library adjacent to the ITS center entrance, according to Lafferty. The third incident occurred in Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls according to UR Security.

The student from Sue B. and the one from the library were transported via ambulance to Strong Memorial Hospital for further evaluation and treatment, according to UR Security.

The third was evaluated and declared fine with no medical assistance required, according to Lafferty.

He was released at the scene, according to UR Security.

Individual in ITS apprehended

Officers observed an individual looking at pornographic material on a computer in the ITS Center, on Feb. 4, according to Lafferty.

The individual was identified and found to have no affiliation to the university, according to UR Security.

The individual was warned and advised not to return to the property and escorted from ITS, according to Lafferty.

Suspect found panhandling

A suspect was found panhandling outside the Eastman School Complex, according to Lafferty.

The suspect was identified and found not to be affiliated with the university. He was warned against panhandling in the area, according to UR Security.

He left without incident.

Vehicle damaged in Wilson Lot

A student reported damage to his vehicle while it was parked in Wilson Parking Lot between Jan. 22 and 25, according to UR Security.

The damage included scratches to the rear bumper, according to Lafferty.

The student noted there was snow plowed close around his vehicle and possibly a plow had done the damage, according to UR Security.

A damage estimate is not yet available, according to Lafferty.

Information provided by UR Security.

Krishnan can be reached at skrishnan@campustimes.org.

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