Meliora Weekend, true to the official university motto “Always Better,” aims to improve each year. This weekend surpasses previous celebrations with an identifiable theme and greater options for students.

While the focus of the weekend has always been to “celebrate the values of an educated life,” this weekend specifically commemorates multiculturalism – featuring a Celebrating Diversity reception and dinner on Friday. The last Meliora Weekend to have a specific focus or theme was “Innovation!” in 2003. Designating a different theme each year keeps the event fresh and attracts alumni who aren’t celebrating a reunion year.

While catering to a broad audience is important, students should not be forgotten. Saturday’s panel, “Hurricane Katrina: How Will We Respond Next Time?,” sets a precedent to increase students’ voices among department and office-initiated panels and presentations. To continue this tradition, students can compete for this opportunity by presenting their ideas to a committee of administrators, faculty and student leaders.

Different from previous years, Friday night entertainment has two different acts, addressing the complaints that come with a diverse audience that had only one entertainment option. Showing good coordination between students and administration, Campus Activities Board and Office of College Advancement each chose acts that specific demographics would enjoy, preventing the need for a compromise that would fall short of expectations. However, this approach limits the number of performances for each show – ticket sales demonstrate that there was high demand that was not met. Our venues can only accommodate modest crowds

As an evolving tradition, activities should be subtracted and added to the schedule. Although there should be some change in events, planners drew on a template that has proved successful in the past. Keeping focus on especially successful events, especially political analysts, a home football game and the Miller Court, bodes well for this year’s Meliora Weekend.

David Gilmour does it once again with his orgasmic playing

Since I had not been particularly fond of Gilmour’s work outside of Floyd, I was originally unsure how much I would appreciate it.

Low scores & dancing in hold: “DWTS” week two

This week's theme, Oscars Night, allowed the celebrities to work on their performance as a whole, not just the dance steps.

Thebans and Thespians: a review of the immersive Oedipus experience

Arguably the most compelling aspect of UR’s adaptation is the interactiveness that ensures that each spectator follows a unique journey with experiences and learnings that reflect their own personal curiosities.