Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Locke, the French woman, the hatch and, of course, the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. For some of you these names and words mean nothing, but for fans of a little television show called “Lost” – or as I like to call it “God’s gift to ABC” – these words have become the bain of our existences. I admit, I was not a devoted fan from the beginning. I thought a show about a bunch of incredibly good-looking people who had survived a plane crash and were now stranded on a deserted island despite that it is the technologically innovative year of 2004, seemed incredibly ridiculous. I prefer more realistic shows, like “Laguna Beach.” I decided though, earlier this fall, that it was time I gave in to the trend that was quickly approaching an obsession. After the two-hour pilot, I immediately got in my car, drove to Best Buy and purchased the entire series. I did not leave my room for the next three days. “Lost” had become my drug, and I needed it like Britney Spears needs better taste in men. I began to think only in terms of “Lost.”

When looking at my friends, I wondered if they would survive on the island. I think I actually upset my friend Dan when I said he would probably die. What is it that makes the show so captivating? Is it the diverse characters who each have a fascinating back story that makes you wonder if everything happens for a reason? Is it Sawyer’s sexy brooding? Is it Jack’s hero complex? Is it Charlie’s addiction? Or is it the illusive island monster that makes sounds similar to some of the tracks on Paul Simon’s album “Negotiations and Love Songs?”

Whatever it is, people are watching it and a lot of them are at UR. “You have to watch every week because there are so many unanswered questions,” obsessed fan and senior Nicole Cutler said. “Even a two-minute scene could lead to some sort of epiphany. Plus, I just love John Locke. He is like the grandfather I never had.”

I’m not sure if I should even dare say it, but “Lost” is rapidly approaching an “OC” like status of popularity. Except with “Lost,” you feel like you are using the 48 minutes of staring at the black box productively. This is not a show for passive viewers. “Lost” is a cognitive obstacle course for your mind. You are constantly trying to foil plots and motives all the while waiting for someone – the over-referred to “the others” – or something – the monster aka the island security system. I bet if every house in America had a security system like that the crime rate would really go down.

From the haunting score to the beautiful yet tainted island “Lost” has become a show for the masses. So, I ask again, what is it that makes “Lost” so good? Is it because sometimes we also feel like everything happens for a reason? Or maybe we feel like numbers control our lives – what will happen if he doesn’t press the button every 108 minutes? Or maybe you also feel torn between a hunky surgeon with father issues and a hunky cleptomaniac hillbilly with killing people issues? Or maybe the show chose you to watch it. This is no ordinary show, you’ve seen that, I know you have. But the show chose you. It’s destiny.

Lepore can be reached at mlepore@campustimes.org.

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