Who is he?

Brett Stark is a junior who is double majoring in Political Science and a self-designed major – Cultural and Religious Expression. Brett comes to UR from Rockville, Md.

In addition to being the president of the UR Hip-Hop Club, a justice on the All-Campus Judicial Council, a member of the Minority Student Advisory Board, the student representative for the College Curriculum Committee and a dancer on the UR Bhangra team, he has recently become the leader of the UR Tours program.

“Originally founded and run by Brian Tuohy and Will Fassett, Brett was inspired to join the program when he learned about its vision of connecting UR and the local community while making a college education more attainable to city of Rochester students.

What is UR Tours?

“UR Tours brings students from the Rochester School District to campus so that they can be exposed to college life, learn more about UR and recognize that a college education is attainable.

“Most of these students come from under-funded school districts and do not have access to the resources that most good schools provide. By taking these students on a tour of the Financial Aid office, Rush Rhees library, the Office of Minority Student Affairs, the gym and by providing them with a free dinner at Danforth, it is an opportunity for them to see how the University system works and a chance for us to make personal connections with local Rochester teenagers,” Stark said.

What is your favorite aspect of the program?

“My favorite aspect of the program is the interaction with the local students. They are all really bright and have a lot of personality. Talking to them about their lives are like helps me see things from a fresh perspective.”

How can other UR students get involved in UR Tours?

“Anyone can be a tour guide for the program or be a student-group representative. For example, you could be a CT representative and join us on our tour to tell the students more about what it’s like to be on the CT staff and what you do. Anyone interested or who has new ideas about the program should feel free to e-mail me at bstark@mail.rochester.edu.”

How does your involvement in this program effect your future?

“I hope to go into law after I graduate, so my goal is to play an important role in shaping public policy, especially public education. Although I’m not sure in what capacity this well be, I hope to make these government issues an important part of my career.

One last question, what cookie would metaphorically represent your life and why?

“You know those Black-and-White cookies you get from Kosher Delis? Those are real good, but you have to eat one side of the frosting first, and then the other side. You can’t be switching back and forth while you’re eating it and stuff.”

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