The new campus bus service has attracted more riders than last year – which is good – but the increasing numbers have made for more than the typical start-up problems. Despite an optimistic beginning with a fleet of new buses, our partner in the bus service, First Transit Inc., has experienced difficulties.

We agree with the Campus Times editorial “Missing the Bus” on Oct. 18 that bus schedules must be reliable, especially for students and staff getting to class and to work. The current problems with buses running late or not showing up at all are unacceptable.

University Parking and Transportation staff are working with First Transit to improve service.

Supplier problems beyond the control of the University have delayed the delivery of five 44-passenger buses, which will help transport more riders. The Senior Vice President for the First Transit Eastern Region is working with his staff and New York State’s Department of Transportation to speed the delivery of those buses to us.

The local First Transit management team has increased the level of supervision and put an additional bus on the road to alleviate the scheduling problems. Beginning Oct. 24 and continuing for as long as necessary, University Parking and Transportation staff will ride selected bus routes to assist First Transit in identifying and correcting service issues.

We encourage students, faculty and staff to send specific complaints or suggestions for improvement to Glen Sicard at or Box 270485, or riders can talk to one of the transportation staff as they ride the buses.

First Transit and the University are committed to making the improvements necessary to meet the needs of our students, staff and faculty.

-Richard PiferAssociate Vice President for University Facilities and Services

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