The Times of London newspaper issued a list ranking UR 21st in the United States and 48th in the world. UR climbed the rankings considerably, rising from 78th overall last year.

To construct this list, 3,703 academics from around the world were asked to choose 30 universities from around the world that were considered the best in research in their field of expertise.

Other factors used to determine the rankings were a university’s success in attracting foreign students, the university’s faculty-to-student ratio and data from graduate employers.

Most of the universities found on the list were British or American, but Beijing University broke the top fifteen and Australia, France, Singapore and Japan were represented in the top 20.

UR students are very excited about the positive recognition that the University has been receiving.

“I’m really excited to see our University noted in yet another major publication,” sophomore Rachel Shapiro said. “It’s just more evidence that my degree is going to continue to appreciate after I graduate.”

This, on top of the recent ranking as a “New Ivy” in Newsweek, continues to show the caliber that UR is currently at and what it continues to work toward.

“It’s a great representation of our school and shows how academics have risen over the past few years,” sophomore Brian Magee said. “Hopefully we will continue to rise in the rankings in future years.”

“I’m so happy to see our University noted internationally as well as nationally,” sophomore Mike Park said.Four named to UR Board of TrusteesCharles Munnerlyn, ’69O, Thomas Sloan, ’65, ’67S, Kathy Waller, ’80, ’83S and Janice Willett, ’78S were appointed to the Board of Trustees and will begin serving this month.

The Board of Trustees is composed of 38 voting members, 16 senior members and 43 life members.

“A great university deserves a strong and committed Board of Trustees,” chairman of the Board of Trustees G. Robert Witmer said.

Munnerlyn is the co-founder of Visx, Inc., a manufacturer of equipment used in laser eye surgeries. Munnerlyn is considered to be a prominent figure in the field of laser eye correction, having invented and designed the first digital device for automatically determining refractive errors in the eye.

As chairman of SterlingSouth Bank & Trust, Sloan also brings expertise in business to the board. In 2005, he was awarded a Meliora Citation for Career Achievement, 40 years after graduating with a B.S. in Optics.

Waller, a vice president for the Coca-Cola company, earned a B.S. in history at UR in 1980 and completed her M.B.A. at the Simon School of Business in 1983. Waller also received a Meliora Citation in 2005.

Willett, a 1978 graduate of the Simon School, is a financial writer and editor, having worked in the field of finance for Chase Manhattan Bank in the past.

The four new board members will join others as voting members, serving five-year terms.

Under the University’s bylaws, the total number of voting Trustees may not exceed 42, including the University president. Members are not paid.Reporting by Matt Majarian and Erin Philbrick.

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