Image by Jane Pritchard

Follow the instructions below for adding your tape-on wings to this week’s CT Origami project!

  1. Place three peaches, a wooden figurine, and a small vial of sheep’s blood in a bowl.
  2. Take the bowl to the edge of the woods. Set it down.
  3. Wait.


Tagged: Origami Rocky

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.

Time unfortunately still a circle

Ever since the invention of the wheel, humanity’s been blessed with one terrible curse: the realization that all things are, in fact, cyclical.

An open letter to all members of any university community

I strongly oppose the proposed divestment resolution. This resolution is nothing more than another ugly manifestation of antisemitism at the University.