This letter is in response to “Inappropriate Advice”, a Letter To The Editor in Sept. 19 of Campus Times.

Further scientific research is needed in all fields of women’s health, including reproductive health, and each individual must make decisions about sexual health based on personal beliefs.

I would like to offer additional websites for cutting edge information:,,,,,

If you would like to discuss your risks and benefits regarding reproductive health care choices in a non-judgmental setting, please schedule an appointment with your health care provider at the University Health Service (275-2662).


Associate Director for Nursing, uhs

Campus Times: UR Lifeline

Before Campus Times, my life was a dead end.

“Memoir of a Sparklemuffin” is (maybe a little too) fresh and fun!

If you’re looking for a pop artist who can fit into different styles and sounds as if they’re tailor-made, you may want to take her up on the offer and get acquainted.