After serving in SA government this past year, junior Fott Scu wanted to do even more on campus. He wanted to continue to make changes and serve the people, and has proposed numerous policies to enact this upcoming year.

Scu addressed the humor editors of the Campus Times with the following: “To begin, I have received way too many email notifications from Public Safety this past year. I am glad that students are away, but I want to tackle this issue head on.”

Scu continued by saying that, “We are going to build a wall. Around the whole campus and keep non-students outside of it. After non-students build it, of course. Oh, and RIT will pay for it.”

Although these beliefs are controversial, Scu has attracted a following among white, male, heterosexual students born in Mississippi.

“I mean, his views may be a bit excessive, but I like his attitude.” Richard Blate commented. “He is great, and he knows it. He tells it like it is. He really made sure to tell us about it during his campaign speeches held in Hoyt Auditorium, which he paid to rent because he funds his own campaign.”

But this candidate has been at the center of many issues in the past. Quite recently, an undergraduate teaching assistant accused him of using Wikipedia as a primary source.

“I can’t believe someone so respected would accuse me of breaking our school’s academic honesty policy,” Scu responded vehemently. “I love the policy more than anyone. And, to have someone entrusted accuse me of not being a dedicated student? The academic honesty policy is the most special thing.” The complaint was retracted shortly after being filed.

After leading the primaries in traditionally conservative dormitories, including Gilbert, Brooks, Lovejoy, and Slater, some other notable politicians have commented on his success.

“He is a chaotic candidate. He’s ridiculous. We don’t need this, we need to build bridges, not walls,” SA presidential frontrunner Erik Chioda said. “And he flip-flops all the time. He keeps switching majors.”

When told of the response, Scu seemed frustrated. “Chioda is a lightweight, everyone knows it,” He said. “Look, those other candidates are very low energy people. They will not make UR meliora again.”

When asked how he planned to make UR meliora again, he replied, “China.”

A final running policy that is believed to be garnering the support of notable conservative Ben Shapiro are his feelings on free speech. Scott promotes it, as long as it aligns fairly well with his political opinions. When voting in the upcoming weeks, Scu suggests, “make UR meliora again.”

Masked protesters disrupt Boar’s Head, protest charges against students

Protesters gathered in front of the Highe Table and urged the University to drop the criminal charges against the four students recently charged with second-degree criminal mischief, saying that the University’s response is disproportionate compared to other bias-related incident reports.

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