Last year, the pair considered entering the race, but decided that a position in office wouldn’t be beneficial to anyone. Annie Wahn, a sophomore at the University, confirmed that it wouldn’t benefit her, but that it could possibly benefit senior Avery Wahn, her older sister.. At the very least, it could benefit Sam Wahn, their younger brother, who plans on attending the school next year.

“Our focus this year will be on proving people wrong,” Chiodo said. “Last year, we were told that we could win if we entered. We didn’t enter, and we didn’t win. And more importantly, this year we will focus on making different locations on campus great again.” 

“One thing we wanted to get fixed was Fauver,” Horgan added. “If you look at the field, there’s a gigantic yellow ‘R’ in the middle of the turf. You’re telling me that a school with a $2 billion endowment can’t afford the rest of the letters in Rochester? As far as we know, that ‘R’ could stand for ‘Really big R.’”

“We have every quality that a politician needs to succeed,” Chiodo continued “For example, we can breathe. And we’re thick skinned, you know—we’re not afraid of scandal. To prove it, we watched the first season, and it was fantastic.”

As it currently stands, Chiodo and Horgan are at the top of the polls, but that may change due to some past comments by Horgan currently resurfacing in the news realm. 

A video depicting a one-month-old Horgan clearly shows him saying, “Daaaaaa DaDa.” 

Junior Michael Kiplanoff questioned, “Is this really someone we want to lead us? I don’t care if he was a baby when he said that. Do we really want a leader who, at one point in their life, couldn’t form a sentence?” 

Alphonse Majeeta, a Take Fifteen Scholar, pointed to Chiodo’s past history of flip-flopping. 

“I saw him yesterday and he said it was raining. Today, I saw him again, and he said it wasn’t raining. This guy is like opinion roulette.” 

Horgan addressed these comments directly with agreeableness, saying, “If there’s one thing I hate, it’s when someone says something and then changes their mind. Have some consistency, for heaven’s sake. Actually, I take that back. I think people should be able to change their minds.”

Chiodo ended the interview by comparing their never-say-die campaign to a spot on campus familiar to those who attend the school. 

“This school never gives up. That’s why you don’t see any white flags waving in the flag lounge. I will say this, though: we won’t be misunderestimated.”

Horgan concluded by explaining his distaste for “poorly written news articles that are quote heavy, and/or written by people with conflicting interests, and/or news stories that use the first sentence as the title.”

Behind the scenes of dorm-made kombucha, Komboochie

Since last winter, Humphrey has been making, selling, and distributing her very own dorm–made kombucha.

Mechanical Engineering Department adds new minor in aerospace

The introduction of the minor comes as a response to a growing interest in aerospace engineering from prospective students.

Some bugging news

It’s that time of the year again! We know them. We love them. Bugs! They’re everywhere: hair, food, bed, you name it. They’re so everywhere that it’s gone from a pressing issue to a world crisis.