During the last Students’ Association (SA) election cycle, the Campus Times endorsed Grant Dever and Melissa Holloway for SA President and Vice President. Today, we’re happy to say that we continue to stand by that endorsement. Though both Dever and Holloway acknowledged that they have a ways to go in fulfilling all of their campaign promises, the Editorial Board believes that they have the campus moving in the right direction.

Their commitment to truly seeking out the desires of the student body at-large has been particularly noticeable. Though only two petitions have reached the two-hundred-and-fifty signature threshold necessary for SA review, they have each seen steady progress. With regard to combating the reduction in dining hours, they’ve fought tooth and nail for those hours back, and today, swipes hours have been extended at Blimpie and added to the Commons.

Expanding the number of all-gender restrooms has been a top priority for Dever and Holloway, a worthy endeavor that should be seen through. As of today, the proposal currently sits with Dean Feldman, and both the President and the Vice President have expressed optimism that it will be accepted.

Dever and Holloway have also made a strong effort to unite the SA. Though there have been some incidents of note in SA that have been covered by this paper, the leadership development of the executive team and of the freshman senators has been a boon for the future of SA.

Of course, there is still work to be done. Dever and Holloway are still working on improving international student life, campus wi-fi, and safe ride notification, among other issues. For now, solutions seem to be within their reach.

Tagged: SA

UR Baseball beats Hamilton and RIT

Yellowjackets baseball beat Hamilton College on Tuesday and RIT on Friday to the scores of 11–4 and 7–4, respectively.

Colin’s Review Rundown: Future and Metro Boomin, Lizzy McAlpine, Benson Boone, Civerous

Is it bad? Definitely not! But I found myself continually checking my phone to see how many tracks were left.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.