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The Office of Faculty Development and Diversity has launched a new grant submission resource website for faculty and students to assist grant writers with gathering essential information on programs and statistics pertaining to diversity at UR.

According to UR Grants Researcher and Program Administrator Zurt Keller, for the majority of grant submittals, a statement of institutional commitment to diversity is required, making the site a needed resource.

“This site can be used for grants that have a diversity component, but also can be used if there is not a diversity component,” he said. “The website serves as a resource, but it also captures all the great work happening across the university and markets our diversity work collectively.”

Among other helpful tools, the site has “boiler plate” text that can be cut and pasted into a grant submission. Zeller, who researches grants on a daily basis and sends his findings to applicable departments and labs, said that, in addition to creating a database, the website will help to place underrepresented minority candidates in positions at UR.

The office recently helped UR’s Center for Integration of Research Teaching and Learning obtain a grant through the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was given funding in August. Their center also helped with the submission from Foundation Relations to the Clare Boothe Luce program, which supports women in science, math and engineering.

“The NSF sees the importance of diversifying the research workforce,” Zeller said. “As a top-tier research university, we share the goals and view the website as a tool to reach them.”

Buletti is a member of the class of 2013.

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